
Abstract Algebra 04 - The Sylow Theorems

January 09, 2021

This is the fourth post of the Introduction to Abstract Algebra series. In the first three posts, we are acquainted with the fundamental concepts and techniques in group theory. In this post, we will introduce the Sylow theorems.

The Sylow’s Theorems

Proposition 4.1: The Abelian Version of Cauchy’s Theorem

If a group GG is abelian and pGp \mid |G| where pp is a prime, GG has an element of order pp.

ProofProof. The proposition will serve as a preparation for the Sylow’s 1st theorem. We will prove this proposition by induction on the order of GG . Assume the proposition is true for Gk|G| \leq k. For G>k|G|>k, consider xG,xex \in G, x \neq e, and N=<x>N = <x>. There are two cases:

  • If px,xx/pp \mid |x|, x^{|x|/p} has order pp.
  • If pxp \nmid |x|, note that NGN \trianglelefteq G since GG is abelian, and consider G/NG/N. Since px,pG/Np \nmid |x|, p \mid |G/N|. By the inductive hypothesis, we have an element gNG/NgN \in G/N such that gN=p|gN| = p. Note that (gN)g=N(gN)^{|g|} = N, so pgp \mid |g|. Thus, gg/pg^{|g|/p} is an element of order pp.

Theorem 4.2: The Sylow’s 1st Theorem

If GG is a group G=pam|G| = p^am where aa is a positive integer, pp is a prime and pmp \nmid m, GG has a subgroup of order pap^a. We call a subgroup of order pap^a a Sylow p-group.

ProofProof. We will prove the Sylow’s 1st theorem by induction on the size of GG. Assume G=pam|G| = p^am, consider the center Z(G)GZ(G) \trianglelefteq G, the quotient group G/Z(G)G/Z(G), and the induced homomorphism π:GG/Z(G)\pi: G \to G/Z(G). Note that by tthe fourth isomorphism theorem, if H<G/Z(G)H < G/Z(G), then π1(H)\pi^{-1}(H) is a subgroup of GG of order HZ(G)|H||Z(G)|. There are two cases of the order of G/Z(G)G/Z(G):

  • Case1: pZ(G)p \mid |Z(G)|. By Proposition 4.1, Z(G)Z(G) has a cyclic group KK of order pp. Note that KGK \trianglelefteq G and G/K=pa1m|G/K = p^{a-1}m. By the inductive hypothesis, G/KG/K has a Sylow p-group A of order pa1p^{a-1}. Consider the induced homomorphism π~:GG/K\tilde \pi: G \to G/K. Then π~1(A)\tilde \pi ^{-1}(A) has order pap^{a}.
  • Case2: pZ(G)p \nmid |Z(G)|. Recall the class equation, G=Z(G)+gG[G:CG(g)]|G| = |Z(G)|+\sum_{g \in G}[G:C_G(g)]. Since pZ(G)p \nmid |Z(G)|, p[G:CG(gi)]=G/CG(gi)p \nmid [G:C_G(g_i)] = G/C_G(g_i) for some giGg_i \in G, so paCG(gi)p^a \mid C_G(g_i). Since CG(gi)<GC_G(g_i) < G, by the inductive hypothesis, CG(gi)C_G(g_i) has a Sylow p-group of order pap^a.

Theorem/Corollary 4.3: The Cauchy’s Theorem

If GG is a group and order of GG is divisible by a prime pp, then GG has an element of order pp.

ProofProof. We can prove the Cauchy’s theorem by using the Sylow’s 1st theorem. If GG is a group and order of GG is divisible by a prime pp, then GG has a subgroup HH of order pmp^m for some integer mm. By the Lagarange’s theorem, xH,x=pk\forall x \in H, |x| = p^k where kk is an integer and 0km0 \leq k \leq m. Consider the element xpk1x^{p^{k-1}} in the subgroup generated by xx, x\langle x \rangle, xpk1=gcd(pk,pk1)=p|x^{p^{k-1}}| = gcd(p^k, p^{k-1}) = p.

Definiton 4.4: p-groups

If GG is a group G=pam|G| = p^am where aa is a postive integer, pp is a prime and pmp \nmid m, we call a subgroup of order that is a power of pp a p-group, a subgroup of order pap^a a Sylow p-group. We denote the set of Sylow p-groups Sylp(G)Syl_p(G), the number of Sylow p-groups in GG as np=Sylp(G)n_p = |Syl_p(G)|.

Theorem 4.5: The Sylow’s 2nd Theorem

If GG is a group, H<GH < G is a p-group, P<GP<G is a Sylow p-group, there exists a gGg \in G such that gHg1PgHg^{-1} \leq P.

Corollary 4.6

  1. Any two Sylow p-groups are conjugate and isomorphic to each other.
  2. If PGP \leq G is a Sylow p-group, PGP \trianglelefteq G iff np=1n_p = 1.
  3. If PGP \leq G is a Sylow p-group, np=[G:NG(P)]n_p = [G: N_G(P)].

ProofProof. For the first claim, apply the Sylow’s 2nd theorem directly for HH being a Sylow p-group. For the second claim, both directions can be shown with the first claim and the definition of normality. For the third claim, note that the action of GG on Sylp(GSyl_p(G by conjugation is transitive due to the first claim. Therefore, np=Sylp(G)n_p = |Syl_p(G) is the index of the stablizer of a Sylow p-group in GG, which is NG(P)N_G(P).

Theorem 4.7: The Sylow’s 3rd Theorem

If GG is a group G=pam|G| = p^am where aa is a positive integer, pp is a prime and pmp \nmid m, then np1modpn_p \equiv 1 \mod p and npmn_p \mid m.

To prove the Sylow’s 2nd and 3rd theorems, we first prove a lemma.

Lemma 4.8

If GG is a group, H<GH < G a subgroup, P<GP < G a Sylow p-group, then NG(P)H=PHN_G(P) \cap H = P \cap H.

ProofProof. Put C:=NG(P)HC := N_G(P) \cap H. Clearly, PHCP \cap H \leq C. We want to show that: CPH    CP    CPPC \leq P \cap H \iff C \leq P \iff CP \leq P. Since CNG(P)C \leq N_G(P), by the second isomorphic theorem, CPCP is a subgroup and CP=CP/CP.Notethatsince|CP| = |C||P|/|C\cap P|. Note that sinceHandandParepgroups,are p-groups,p \mid |C|, p \mid |P|, p \mid |C\cap P|,so, sop \mid |CP|.Note. NoteP \leq CPandandPisaSylowpgroup,sois a Sylow p-group, soCP=P$. This finishes the proof.

Now we can prove the Sylow’s 2nd and 3rd theorems.

ProofProof. Suppose Sylp(G)={P1,P2,,Pnp}Syl_p(G) = \{P_1, P_2, \cdots, P_{n_p}\}. Let the set SS be the subset of Sylp(G)Syl_p(G) such that PSP \in S is conjugate to P1P_1. We will prove the Sylow’s 2nd and 3rd theorems in four steps: (a) S1modp|S| \equiv 1 \mod p; (b) for all p-group HH, HPiH \in P_i for some PiSP_i \in S; (c) S=np|S| = n_p; (d) npmn_p \mid m.

(a) Consider the conjugation action of P1P_1 on SS. Suppose the orbits of the action are O1,O2,,OaO_1, O_2, \cdots, O_a, where O1={P1}O_1 = \{P_1\}. The class equation gives

S=i=1aOi=1+i=2aOi=1+i=2aP1/stab(Pi)=1+i=2aP1/NG(Pi)P1=1+i=2aP1/PiP1|S| = \sum_{i=1}^a |O_i| = 1 + \sum_{i=2}^a |O_i| = 1 + \sum_{i=2}^a |P_1/stab(P_i)| = 1 + \sum_{i=2}^a |P_1/N_G(P_i) \cap P_1| = 1 + \sum_{i=2}^a |P_1/P_i \cap P_1|

Thus, S1modp|S| \equiv 1 \mod p, since pP1/PiP1p \mid |P_1/P_i \cap P_1|.

(b) Assume for contradiction that HH is not contained in any PiSP_i \in S. Consider the action of HH on SS by conjugation, orb(Pi)=H/stab(Pi)orb(P_i) = |H|/stab(P_i). Note that stab(Pi)=NG(Pi)H=PiHstab(P_i) = N_G(P_i) \cap H = P_i \cap H, and since H⊄Pi,stab(Pi)HH \not\subset P_i, stab(P_i) \subset H. Thus, orb(Pi)1|orb(P_i)| \neq 1, but orb(Pi)Horb(P_i) \subseteq H, so orb(Pi)porb(P_i) \mid p. Thus, Sp|S| \mid p, a contradiction to (a).

(c) This follows directly from (b), since a Sylow p-group is also a p-group. Sylp(G)=SSyl_p(G) = S.

(d) Finally, consider the conjugation action of GG on Sylp(G)Syl_p(G). Note that the action is transitive. We have the class equation np=orb(P1)=G/stab(P1)=G/NG(P1)n_p = |orb(P_1)| = |G|/|stab(P_1)| = |G|/|N_G(P_1)|. Since P1NG(P1)P_1 \subset N_G(P_1), paNG(P1)    npmp^a \mid |N_G(P_1)| \implies n_p \mid m.


[1] Siegel, Kyler. MATH GU4041 Introduction to Modern Algebra I. Department of Mathematics, Columbia University. 2019.

[2] Dummit, David and Foote, Richard. Abstract Algebra. Third Edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2004.

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