
Abstract Algebra 03 - Group Actions

January 04, 2021

This is the third post of the Introduction to Abstract Algebra series. In this post, we will introduce group actions, which give rise to the Cayley’s Theorem and the class equation.

Definitions and the Cayley’s Theorem

Definition 3.1 Group Action

  • Let GG be a group and XX be a set. Then an action of GG on XX is a function F:G×XXF: G \times X \to X, with F(g,x)=gxF(g,x)=g \cdot x, such that
  • g1(g2x)=(g1g2)xg1,g2Gg_1 \cdot (g_2 \cdot x)=(g_{1}g_{2}) \cdot x \forall g_1, g_2 \in G, xXx \in X
  • ex=xxXe \cdot x=x \forall x \in X

Definition 3.2 GG-set

  • With action FF defined as above, we say that XX is a GG-set

Definition 3.3 GG-subset

  • If XX is a GG-set, then a GG-subset YY of XX is a subset YXY \subseteq X such that for all gGg \in G and yYy \in Y, gyYg \cdot y \in Y. A GG-subset is a GG-set.

Example 3.4

  • The trivial action: gx=xg \cdot x=x for all gGg \in G and xXx \in X
  • SnS_n acts on {1,,n}\{1,\dots ,n\} via σk=σ(k)\sigma \cdot k= \sigma (k)

Proposition 3.5

  • If XX is a GG-set and f:GGf:G' \rightarrow G is a homomorphism, then XX becomes a GG'-set via gx=f(g)xg'\cdot x = f(g') \cdot x. The proof is trivial using homomorphism. In addition, if HGH \leq G, then a GG-set is also an HH-set.

Theorem 3.6 Cayley’s Theorem

  • Let GG be a finite group. Then there exists an nNn\in N such that GG is isomorphic to a subgroup of SnS_n.
  • ProofProof. Let GG be a finite group, where G={g1,,gn}G=\{g_{1},\dots ,g_{n}\} and G=n|G|=n. Construct an injective homomorphism f:GSGf:G \rightarrow S_G, let H=Im(f)H=Im(f), then there’s a corresponding homomorphism from GG to HH. Define f:GHf:G \rightarrow H, then ff remains injective and is surjective by definition, hence ff is an isomorphism. Define an isomorphism h:SGSnh:S_{G} \rightarrow S_{n}, then we have an isomorphism hfh\circ f from GG to a subgroup of SnS_{n}. It remains to find an injective homomorphism ff.

Define f:GSGf:G\rightarrow S_{G} by f(g)=lgf(g)=l_{g}, where lg(x)=gxl_{g}(x)=gx. Since left multiplication is clearly bijective for every gGg\in G, we have lgSGl_{g}\in S_{G}. Then we can show ff is an injective homomorphism directly.

Using Proposition 3.5, we have a generalization of Cayley’s theorem. For the action of GG on itself by left multiplication, we define a bijection lg:GGl_{g}: G\rightarrow G where lg(x)=gxl_{g}(x)=gx. For some GG-set XX, we have lg:GGl_{g}: G\rightarrow G where lg(x)=gxl_{g}(x)=gx for xXx\in X.

Lemma 3.7

  • (i) For all g1,g2G,lg1lg2=lg1g2g_1,g_2\in G,l_{g_1}\circ l_{g_2} =l_{g_1g_2}.
  • (ii) l1=IdXl_1 =Id_X.
  • (iii) lgSXl_g\in S_X forall gGg\in G, and the inverse of lgl_g is lg1l_{g^{−1}}.

Corollary 3.8

  • If XX is a GG-set, then the function f:GSXf:G \rightarrow S_X defined by f(g)=lgf(g)=l_g is a homomorphism from GG to SXS_X. This follows directly from 3.7.

Definition 3.9 G-isomorphism

If X1X_1 and X2X_2 are GG-sets, an isomorphism ff from X1X_1 to X2X_2 of GG-sets, or briefly a GG-isomorphism is a bijection f:X1X2f:X_1 \rightarrow X_2 such that f(gx)=gf(x)f(g\cdot x)=g\cdot f(x) for all gGg \in G and xXx\in X.

Orbits, Isotropy Subgroups and centralizers

Definition 3.10 Orbits

  • If XX is a GG-set and xXx \in X, the orbit of XX under GG is the set Gx={gx,gG}G \cdot x=\{g \cdot x, g \in G\}. We have GxXG \cdot x \subseteq X. Note that GxG\cdot x is the smallest GG-subset of XX containing xx.

Proposition 3.11

Let GG act on a set XX, and define xGyx\sim_{G} y iff there exists a gGg\in G such that gx=yg\cdot x=y. Then G\sim_G is an equivalence relation, and the equivalence class containing xx is the orbit GxG\cdot x. Hence two orbits of GG are either disjoint or identical.

Definition 3.12 Transitive Action

  • If XX is a GG-set and if Gx=XG \cdot x=X for one hence all xXx \in X, we say that GGacts transitively on XX.

Definition 3.13 Conjugacy Class

  • The group GG acts on itself by conjugation. The orbit of xGx \in G is the conjugacy class of xx, the subset C(x) of G consisting of all elements conjugate to x. C(x)={gxg1:gG}C(x)=\{gxg^{-1}:g\in G\}. Note that the conjugation action is never transitive for non-trivial GG.

Definition 3.14 Isotropy Subgroup

  • If XX is a GG-set and xXx \in X, the isotropy subgroup GxG_x is the set {gG,gx=x}\{g \in G, g \cdot x=x\}. Clearly GxGG_x \leq G.

Definition 3.15 Fixed Set

For GG-set XX, XG={xX:gx=xgG}X^G=\{x\in X: g\cdot x=x \forall g\in G\}. It is the largest GG-subset of XX for which the G_action is trivial.

Proposition 3.16

(i) If XX is a GG-set, xXx\in X, and y=gxGxy=g\cdot x\in G\cdot x, then Gy=gGxg1G_y=gG_{x}g^{-1}. (ii) If XX is a GG-set and xXx\in X, then there is an isomorphism of GG-sets from GxG\cdot x to G/GxG/G_x. If GG acts transitively on XX, then XX is G-isomorphic to G/GxG/G_x.

ProofProof. (i) is obvious. For (ii) define F:G/GxGxF:G/G_x \rightarrow G\cdot x where F(gGx)=gxF(gG_x)=g\cdot x. Then it is easy to check isomorphism.

Corollary 3.16

G=GxGx|G|=|G_x|\cdot |G\cdot x|

Definition 3.17 Center and Centralizer

The center of of a group is given by Z(G)={xG:gx=xggG}Z(G)=\{x\in G:gx=xg \forall g\in G\}. The centralizer of a element xGx\in G is given by ZG(x)={gG:gx=xg}Z_G(x)=\{g\in G: gx=xg\}.

Example 3.18

If GG acts on itself by conjugation, then the fixed set GGG^G is the center Z(G)Z(G), the orbit of xGx \in G is the conjugacy class C(x), and the isotropy group of x is the centralizer of x. ZG(x)={gG:gxg1=x}={gG:gx=xg}Z_G(x)=\{g\in G:gxg^{−1}=x\}=\{g\in G:gx=xg\}.

The Class Equation

Definition 3.19

Following from example 3.18, let GG be a finite group that acts on itself by conjugation, then the fixed set GGG^G is the center Z(G)Z(G), and the orbits GxiG\cdot x_i are conjugacy classes C(xi)={gxig1:gG}C(x_i)=\{gx_{i}g^{-1}:g\in G\}. Hence we have the class equation G=Z(G)+iC(xi)|G|=|Z(G)|+\sum_{i} |C(x_i)|.


[1] Siegel, Kyler. MATH GU4041 Introduction to Modern Algebra I. Department of Mathematics, Columbia University. 2019.

[2] Dummit, David and Foote, Richard. Abstract Algebra. Third Edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2004.

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